Cellular Respiration Cellular Respiration is made up of three stages. The first stage is glycolysis and the word glycolysis means the splitting of sugar. Then during this process a six-carbon molecule is broken in half. After the six-carbon molecule is broken in half it forms two three carbon molecules. The […]

A recent study by the National Center for Education Statistics shows that 50% of recent college graduate have student loans, with an average student loan debt of $10,000. The average cost of college increases at twice the rate of inflation. With the rising costs of college it is difficult for […]

A Review of the Book – “First Life” Designed to accompany the two-part television series, “David Attenborough’s First Life” covers the billions of years of time, leading up to the development of advanced forms of life on our planet. It is a chronological journal, split into eleven chapters that tells […]

Nowadays with the enrichment in the education and technology, the pace of learning has been varying and proceeding. This time required skill set is including not only high grading marks but also demanding for acquiring practical knowledge with enhancing the intellectual abilities of students. Now individuals ought to open-minded approach, […]

Safety. Although the hazards in the following experiments are negligible, you are advised to consult the latest edition of ‘Safeguards in the School Laboratory’ published by The Association for Science Education (ase.org.uk) before embarking on any experiment. Outline. Catalase is an enzyme which occurs in the cells of many living […]

Bed bugs are one of the most difficult pests to control. In recent studies, scientists observed that the pests produce enzymes that neutralize pesticides. Furthermore, scientists discovered the pests acquired mutation in their nerve cells, which dulled the neurotic effect of pesticides. The insects develop resistance to pesticides by natural […]

An academician recently said that he is not against students copying assignments from the internet because this way they are definitely learning something along the way. Internet has made education accessible for all of us. It has also become more interesting and interactive. To use this advantage to the fullest, […]