Growing awareness that the current U.S. K-12 education system is producing woeful results and that incrementalist strategies for reforming it (smaller classes, added graduation requirements, etc.) haven’t made much difference. Bolder alternatives – including some that overturn yesterday’s axioms and power relationships – are now thinkable. Widening recognition that “one […]

With kid learning games, kids have fun and learn in the process. Between the ages of 8 and 12, children need to achieve literacy and numeracy and establish foundations in science, mathematics, geography, history and social sciences. Children also need to learn about music and arts. Fortunately, there are kid […]

In the field of criminology, real-world practitioners are sometimes intrigued by the gullibility of human perceptions. Of which, later on, we see the development of alleged expertise, purporting some new invention. Gee whiz gadgets and gizmos of feel good “psycho-babble” interfere with the realistic practical applications. These dreamlike conjectures typically […]

In the field of technology, the word disruptive is used for a technology or innovation that brings about a radical change in the way a sector functions by introducing efficiency, affordability and convenience. The technology revolution in the business sector is represented by the extensive use of smarter phones or […]

Distance learning is generally associated with furthering an education and the option of distance learning, along with opportunities provided by online courses, are making it easier for a large number of people to learn something innovative. Online courses can be opted for educational purposes or just for fun. A person […]

A report is a dreadfully official document that is written to serve the range of purpose in the engineering and business disciplines; sciences and social sciences. Therefore, they need to be clear-cut and accurate. Good report writing call for— professionalism, profound knowledge of the subject, attentiveness, and outstanding writing proficiency. […]

Many book and scholarly journal editors as well as grant reviewers and others require that manuscripts they consider for publication be prepared in APA (American Psychological Association) format. This is true in many disciplines, by no means limited to psychology or even the broader social sciences. What is APA format? […]