When I was young I was taught that crying was not good. After all, the message was that if you cry too much, “you’re going to get sick.” Crying, especially in public, definitely was bad news. In short, crying, even when grieving, was considered to be a sign of weakness. […]
Social Sciences
This morning Ms. Paula, the substitute teacher coordinator for the school where I work the most, told me that one of the reasons she uses me as much as she does is because I am always at the school well before the first bell rings. I didn’t happen to tell […]
Our experience is that many students on the social work degree can be intimidated by the word ‘theory’. This immediately inhibits effective learning about theory. Theory in social work is about how we relate to others and how we make sure that we are providing effective services. It is important […]
Neil Smelser, in total Neil Joseph Smelser, (born July twenty two, 1930, Kahoka, Missouri, U.S. – died October two, 2017, Berkeley, California), American sociologist observed for the work of his on the application of sociological concept to the research of economic institutions, social change, collective behaviour, and social structure and […]
Book Title: LOVE IN THE TIMES OF AIDS Author: Dr Mark Hunter: An Assistant Professor in Social Science/Geography at the University of Toronto. Publisher: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press Reviewer: Bhekisisa Stalin Mncube AIDS Transmission: HIERARCHY OF UBUFEBE (MULTIPLE SEX PARTNERS) IN SOUTH AFRICA LOVE in the times of AIDS is […]
A young Malaysian student nursing a broken jaw, inflicted upon him during the August 2011 riots across Britain, expressed sorrow for those who robbed him during their pretext of coming to his aid. His compassion toward their actions made headlines around the world. The Prime Minister of Britain made it […]
A broad range of careers and training options are available to students that pursue a degree in teacher education. Depending on career goals students can enter numerous online schools that offer education training. Undergraduate and graduate degree programs are available based on what age group students want to teach. The […]
Final draft for 15 Renaissance science and the urgent need to readdress social economics During the 1930s The Laurence Professor of Ancient Philosophy at Cambridge University, F M Cornford, the author of Principium Sapientiae: The Origins of Greek Philosophical Thought, was elected a Fellow of the British Academy. His book […]
More than 2 Lakhs students from India and 42 countries worldwide are enrolled in different regular, part time or corporate courses of the centre. To keep pace with the changing demands in the field of education, the centre has all the modern facilities like well equipped class rooms, video conferencing, […]
“It is impossible to describe any human action if one does not refer to the meaning the actor sees in the stimulus as well as in the end his response is aiming at.” –Ludwig von Mises Economics – to the great dismay of economists – is merely a branch of […]