Platonic-Fullerene Chemistry and Platonic-LaViolette Physics

In September, 2011, a discovery at the CERN particle accelerator appears to have demolished the foundations of Albert Einstein’s world-view, which stated that nothing could move faster than the speed of light. Assuming this to be correct, then the social ramifications of the discovery are so enormous, that the sooner we can repair the damage that an unbalanced scientific ethos has done to civilisation, the better. The fact that eminent scientists have predicted this collapsing of the fixed scientific world-view suggests that we re-examine their published concerns as a matter of urgency.

The Einsteinian world-view claimed that every aspect of 20th Century scientific thinking had to be governed by Einstein’s understanding of the second law of thermodynamics. This law was described by Maria Montessori as a greed energy law, responsible for destructive economic collapses. Montessori was listed in TIME Magazine’s Century of Science as the greatest scientist for 1907. Together with her colleague, the Jesuit priest, Tielhard de Chardin, they modified Einstein’s E=mc squared, in order to balance universal atomic decay with sub atomic creative energies. Their theories related to the research into aesthetics and ethics conducted during the 18th Century by Immanuel Kant.

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy lists Immanuel Kant as “one of the most influential philosophers in the history of Western philosophy. His contributions to metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and aesthetics have had a profound impact on almost every philosophical movement that followed him”. The term ‘impact’ suggests the acquisition of learned wisdom from the Classical Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy, refers to the ancient concept of Wisdom through Beauty.

Immanuel Kant and his colleague Hans Christian Oersted, who discovered the electromagnetic field, had considered that such an ethical technology could be derived from the Platonic ‘Science for Ethical Ends’. In 1786 Hans Christian Oersted wrote his famous Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science, based upon Immanuel Kant’s theories. It can be deduced that their concept of ethical technology to make the electric motor a child’s toy by comparison, was associated with their understanding of the properties of their electromagnetic universal ethical purpose.

Kant’s “Ethic” was deemed necessary to obtain perpetual peace on Earth. This idea led Montessori and de Chardin to consider that this electromagnetic concept was needed to open the Golden Gates to the future, for all people at the same time, rather than for any privileged few or chosen race. This suggests that an ethical conscious purpose was evolving within the human population on Earth. For example, balls of lethal radiation are regularly emitted from the sun, which are deflected by the earth’s electromagnetic field to protect all life on Earth. The scientist, Matti Pitkanen, pointed out that this phenomenon fulfils the criteria to be called an act of consciousness. This idea of a balancing of the second law energy of universal decay by the evolution of consciousness was considered to be obvious by the 1937 Nobel Laureate in Medicine, Szent-Goergyi. He wrote a book entitled The Crazy Apes, about the mentality of scientists who could not understand that this phenomenon existed.

The molecular biologist, Sir C P Snow, delivered his famous 1959 Cambridge University’s Rede Lecture on exactly the same hypothesis, claiming that civilisation would be destroyed unless modern science was reunited with the life-science of the Classical Greek Humanities. The engineer, Buckminster Fuller, echoed these sentiments within his book, Utopia or Oblivion. His synergistic world-view, in which entropy is balanced by creative energies, became the basis of modern Platonic-Fullerene chemistry, now emerging as an ethical scientific discipline throughout the world.

Sir Isaac Newton’s unpublished Heresy Papers were discovered last century, declaring Newton’s conviction that a more natural profound philosophy existed to balance the universal entropic energy system. Newton’s balancing physics principles were those that once upheld the lost Platonic Science for Ethical Ends. Some scientists declared that such thinking was the work of a criminally insane mind. During Tony Blair’s rule as the British Prime Minister, senior scientists appeared to be reluctant to talk about the possible technologies associated with Newton’s Heresy Papers. Relevant multimillion dollar research at Cambridge University had come to an abrupt end and senior scientists seemed to be concerned that the Prime Minister was undergoing some sort of religious conversion, as was later proven correct.

Amidst talk about a war against an axis of evil, scientists appeared to be wary of challenging the religious convictions of a warlike Prime Minister or his religious colleague President George Bush. Within the chaos of an entropic world-view, both leaders had a clear obligation to protect their countries against a critical entropic bifurcation situation, in which the traditional appreciation of maintaining an appropriate popular survival morale, was considered to be for the common good.

Historically, within a global entropic predator-prey mentality, such a common sense attitude for national

protection is a matter of survival of the fittest. This is at odds with the 3rd Century BC Greek Atomistic Science of Universal Love. The Roman historian, Cicero, made that point clear during the 1st Century BC, when he warned the Roman government about the growing popularity of that particular science in Rome. Centuries later, Giordano Bruno lectured about the science of universal love at Oxford University. Upon returning to Rome he was imprisoned and tortured, and in 1600 was burnt alive by the Church for Heresy. This explains why Newton dared not publish his balancing physics principles and why, when they were discovered, were referred to as Heresy Papers.

The ancient Platonic ethical life-sciences clearly associated the entropic predator-prey mentality with the emergence of the evil properties of unformed matter within the physical atom. This nuclear radiation threat echoes our present obsession with an unbalanced chemistry based upon the logic of universal atomic decay. That a great number of Japanese people are now experiencing the adverse effects of a peacetime acceleration of atomic decay, shows that we need to progress from the predator-prey biological stage of existence, to a level of harmonic global coexistence.

Charles Darwin placed emphasis upon the predator-prey behaviour to give credence to his entropic survival of the fittest theories. Conversely, the quantum biologist, Dr Bruce Lipton, has explained that the cell uses cooperation instead of competition for the host organism’s future within an increasingly complex, changing environment. The current use of Kantian entropic, aesthetic, Moral Jurisprudence Law, to maintain perpetual economic growth and development, is impossible. Within a closed universal entropic system, perpetual economic growth cannot be sustained, and pursuing such a goal can only accelerate economic global chaos.

The six essay’s entitled The Principal of Creation and the Accelerating Global Crisis, written by the Max Plank astrophysicist, Peter Kafka, from 1976-1994, predicted the current global economic collapse. He blamed this ugly situation upon the actions of scientists, technologists and politicians who were caught up within an entropic world-view governed by the second law of thermodynamics. On page 40 he refers to the second law as being Diabolic, associated with the ancient pagan gods of destruction. The heading for chapter 4 reads, The uselessness of the second law, which is a far cry from Sir Athur Eddington referring to it as the Supreme Metaphysical Law of the Entire Universe, or Einstein calling it the Premier Law of all of Science.

In her online book, A Fuller Equation – The Synergistic Geometry of R Buckminster Fuller, Harvard University’s Novartis Professor Amy Edmondson, on page 36, explains that Fuller derived his theories from the mathematical writings of Plato. Fuller, in his book, Utopia or Oblivion, also warns that our unbalanced entropic science is bringing civilisation to the point of collapse. Edmondson wrote, that very few people know about Fuller’s journey from the ancient Babylonian and Egyptian Mystery Schools through to the cradle of Western science in ancient Greece. She advised the reader to enjoy Fuller’s great adventure with ancient mathematics. The Platonic-Fullerene chemistry derived from that journey is reflected in the physics derived by the physicist, Paul LaViolette, who also explored the teachings of these ancient mystery schools.

LaViolette examined the mystery teaching in order to explain about ancient concepts regarding the balancing physics of creation. His primordial soup of chemical and mechanical wave energies existed in what Isaac Newton called the ether. From this ether emanated the subatomic blueprints for the creation of the world of matter, explaining aspects of the physicist David Bohm’s holographic universe. LaViolette associates the evil Egyptian god, Set, with the second law of thermodynamics, as Peter Kafka linked the same physics law with Plato’s god of chaos, Diabolos.

La Violette’s knowledge about the Science of Universal Love appears to become pragmatically feasible when entropy reaches a critical phase, which can trigger the predator-prey paradigm into a new creative era of evolution. His physics appears to link with the Platonic-Fullerene chemistry to reveal the potential of a self organising principle in nature, sympathetic to the concept of deriving new technologies from the ancient Science for Ethical Ends. He uses candle flame as an example of order generating an open energy system, contrary to the general understanding of the second law of thermodynamics. A recent dramatic discovery about candle flame by Dr Wuzong Zhou from St Andrews University, Scotland, shows that LaViolette’s physics theories underlie a vast new world relevant to Platonic spiritual reality. When a candle burns its flame generates millions of nano-diamonds (Medical science is already creating such nano-diamonds for use in cellular medical research).

The discovery of the Molecule of Emotion by Dr Candace Pert in 1972 revealed that it evolved as an infinite fractal expression within the universal holographic energy system. This alone challenges the validity of Einstein’s entropic world-view, because the second law of thermodynamics forbids life to be part of such a process. This heat death law demands the demise of all life. Another function of the Molecule of Emotion is the generation of the endocrine fluids to maintain cellular health in a constantly evolving holographic environment. LaViolette’s physics and Platonic-Fullerene chemistry, functioning to balance entropic decay, provides the necessary blueprint to allow the realisation of the United Nations Millennium Project’s 15 objectives for the betterment of the global human condition.

The continual entropic predator-prey arms race that is currently threatening global humanity, can now be considered to belong to yesterday’s concept of science. A medical science technology is coming into existence, in which the fealty to pagan gods upholding the Hippocratic Oath has already been adequately modernised to retain its original ethical ethos. A transparent medical science, that will not be ‘pragmatically’ compromised by being seized by the rich at the expense of the poor, is emerging. Entropic Moral Jurisprudence Law, based upon Kantian aesthetics can now be upgraded to embrace Kantian ethics instead. The world will then realise that ethics is not about how one uses science but is a self organising property associated with evolutionary consciousness.

© Professor Robert Pope.

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