What do plants and animals need to grow? Almost all plants and animals need air, water, light, and nutrition to grow. Green plants use a complicated chemical process, called photosynthesis, to create energy for survival and growth. Since plants create their own energy, they are the first link in the […]

Hercor College was organized in September 2003 by Mr. Jose A. Hernandez with the able assistance of Mesdames Lerry Basamot, Vivian Blancaflor, Sheila Alba, Sally Sibonga and his two Children, Ma. Cristina and Jose Gabriel. Their original plan was to offer just one course but the group later on decided […]

In ancient times it was known that the king who was named “Di Ku” and was famous as he knew and was quite well versed in the study and subject of astronomy. He was known to make most of his decisions based on careful study and consultation of the stars […]

Research in social sciences largely depends on measurements and analysis and interpretation of numerical as well as non numerical data. Quantitative research methods focus on statistical approaches and qualitative methods are based on content analysis, comparative analysis, grounded theory, and interpretation (Strauss, 1990). Quantitative methods emphasise on objective measurements and […]